301 E. Bethany Home Rd, Ste. A-132
Phoenix, Az 85012
Ceramic Implants
At our office, we use nothing but 100% metal free ceramic implants, which are made from high a performance material called Zirconia. Zirconia is biocompatible and very well tolerated by the body. Zirconia has a higher acceptance rate by the body, when compared to titanium, and has lower risks of inflammation and failure due to infection.
Metal Free
Compared to titanium implants, ceramic implants will not corrode or have any galvanic reactions. If you have a metal allergy, or just dont like the idea of having metal in your body, ceramic implants are better suited for you.
Strength and Longevity
Due to the mechanical strength and durability of the material, zirconia implants are able to withstand significant mechanical stress from a lifetime of chewing, and can remain in the jaw bone forever.
The natural white color of ceramic implants eliminates the dark edges seen around the gums from titanium implants. If you have thin or receding gums, the grey color of titanium implants tend to show through. This is mitigated with the natural look of ceramic implants.
Immediate Placement
At Phoenix Biological Dentistry, we are well equipped with the latest and greatest technology and tools to perform immediate (same day) implant placement. If you are in need of an extraction, you can schedule an implant placement the same day. The benefits of same day placement is reduced time in surgery, go thru the healing process once, and reduced wait time to have your teeth back!
Truly Ceramic vs Ceramic Coated
Not all ceramic implants are created equal. You will find that some dental offices state that they place ceramic implants. However, there are several manufacturers of titanium implants that are being advertised as ceramic implants because they coat the titanium with ceramic. So the exterior looks like a ceramic implant but the core is still titanium. As we all know, coatings wear off, and the metal is still in your mouth but now you have pieces of this coating making its way thru your body. Many non-biological (and even dentists that now advertise as being "biological") dentists dont realize this because they never did or care to do the research to find true ceramic implants.
Your SDS Implant Specialist
Dr Maryam Hamdan of Phoenix Biological Dentistry is one of the top ceramic implant dentists in Arizona, and has performed many successful single and multiple implant procedures for her patients. She specializes in placing Swiss Dental Solutions (SDS) implants, as she is a SDS Ambassador for Arizona and Southwest region. Feel free to call our office to learn more about how Dr Hamdan can help you.

Dr Hamdan with Dr Karl Ulrich Volz -
Founder and Owner of Swiss Biohealth Clinic and SDS Ceramic Implants