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Ceramic Onlays & Inlays


Also known as partial crowns, ceramic onlays and inlays are a great option to correct tooth damage when it's too significant for a filling but insufficient for a crown. Dental onlays and inlays use the existing tooth structure as a foundation and fit onto or into the tooth to restore your tooth's shape and prevent further damage. Partial restorations like onlays and inlays are a great alternative to a conventional crown when looking for minimally invasive restorative solutions. 


Onlays are not only a great option to preserve teeth but they also offer improved aesthetics, reduced plaque accumulation and secondary caries, preservation of soft tissue, and good access for post operative care. 


What's The Difference Between An Onlay And An Inlay?​

A dental inlay is a restoration that fits into the center of the tooth, specifically within the cusps of the chewing surface. It's used to restore the tooth where the damage doesn't extend to the cusps of the tooth. In contrast, a dental onlay is preferred for extensive damage and covers the chewing surface and one or more cusps.





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